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German Vocabulary for Hiking

If you’re planning a hiking trip to a German-speaking destination like Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and/or South Tyrol in Italy, it’s helpful to know some basic hiking-related vocabulary.

These German hiking words will help you read trail signage, warnings, and maps. They will also help you navigate mountain huts (opening times, booking, payment).

This vocab list is especially useful for those embarking on hut-to-hut hikes.

Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Drei Zinnen 3-day Trek, Dolomites, Italy

German-Speaking Hiking Destinations and Trails


Hiking around Lünersee, Vorarlberg, Austria

Hallo: Hi!

Servus: Hi / Bye!

Servas: Hi / Bye!

Griaß di: Howdy (to one person)!

Griaß eich: Howdy (to two or more people)!

Griaß enk: Howdy (to two or more people)!

Grüß Gott: Hello! It originally comes from the phrase “May God Bless You.”

Farewell Salutations

Pfiat di: Bye to one person!

Pfiat eich: Farewell to two or more people

Pfiat enk: Farewell to two or more people

Auf Wiedersehen: Goodbye

Tschüss: Bye

Servus: Hi / Bye!

Servas: Hi / Bye!


Sass Rigais Via Ferrata southwestern route, Val Gardena, Dolomites

Berg: mountain

Joch: notch, or saddle

Scharte: wind gap, or notch

Bergsattel: mountain saddle

Spitze: peak

Gipfel: peak

Kamm: ridge

Grat: ridge

Bach: stream

Tal: valley

Alm, or Alpe: alpine pasture

Wald: forest

See: lake

Fluss: river

Mountain Huts

Carschinahütte hut, Rätikon Alps, Austria

Hütte: mountain hut

Öffnungszeiten: opening times 

Lage: location 

Zustieg: approach 

Hüttenpächter/Hüttenpächterin: Hut manager

Wirt: host, innkeeper 

Preise: price

Kosten: costs

Barzahlung: cash payment

Anzahlung: deposit

Zimmer: room

Matratzenlager: mattress dormitory

Mehrbettzimmer: rooms with multiple beds

Zweibettzimmer: rooms with 2 beds

Trockenraum: drying room

Hüttenschuhe / Hauschuhe: hut shoes like crocs

Dusche: shower

Münze: coin

Gaststube: parlour, lounge, restaurant  

Speisesaal: dining room

Related | Hut-to-Hut-Hiking in Austria and Hut-to-Hut Hiking in the Dolomites

Alpine Pastures

Geisler Alm, Val di Funes in October, Dolomites

Alm / Alp: alpine pasture

Almhütte: alpine pasture hut

Nicht Bewirtschaftet: not managed. When an Alm is not managed, it means they don’t sell food and drinks.

Bewirtschaftet: managed. When an Alm is managed, they sell food and drinks during the day.

Ruhetag: rest day. Many alpine pasture huts have rest days (e.g. closed Tuesdays). Some Almhütten are only open when the weather is good.

Achtung Weidevieh: Attention grazing cattle/animals

Related | Visiting the Alps in Summer: Things to Know


Falzarego Pass in October, Dolomites

Wanderung: a hike

Bergwanderung: a mountain hike

Weitwanderweg: long distance trail

Etappe: stage

Nur für Geübte: only for experienced (hikers)

Ungesicherter Steig: unprotected route.

Klettersteig: via ferrata route

Steil: steep

Ausgesetzt: exposed

Anspruchsvoll: Challenging

Einfach: easy

Vorsicht: attention

Steinschlag: rockfall

Lawinengefahr: danger of avalanches

Mure: landslide / mudflow

Rutschgefahr: slip hazard

Wegsperre: blocked path

Verletzung: injury

Hilfe: help

Wettervorhersage: weather forecast


Hoher Kasten cable car valley station, Brülisau, Appenzell, Switzerland

Seilbahn: Gondola

Sessellift: Chairlift

Bergstation: mountain station

Talstation: valley station


Lunch at Dalfaz Alm mountain hut, Achensee, Tyrol, Austria

Speisekarte: menu

Selbstbedienung: self-service, where you order and pick up your food at the counter.

Halbpension: half board (breakfast and dinner)

Frühstück: breakfast

Abendessen: dinner

For specific food dishes (soups, main dishes, vegetarian dishes, desserts) and drinks, read our guide to visiting Austrian Mountain Huts.

German Hiking Vocabulary: Words to Know for Hiking in German-Speaking Destinations

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Sabrina Brett

Hello! I’m a spirited traveler on a quest to hike in the most picturesque alpine and coastal destinations across Europe. In 2016, I left my home and job in San Francisco, California, to move to Germany, and later Austria. The following year, I created this blog to help like-minded travelers experience new and exciting ways to travel authentically. I travel to hike, and I hope to inspire your next adventure.

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